Activities - Community G.Palatucci Avezzano

At our headquarters in San Pelino Vecchio (AV) we are working on the following Pregetti in Departure:



Semi-autonomy is a residential service that is aimed at children aged between 18 and 21, coming from community experience, pursuant to Article 25 or subjected to an alternative detention regime. The service offers young people, with specific difficulties linked to the acquisition of personal autonomy, the opportunity to define their needs, recognize and value their resources, starting the construction of a concrete life project, which guarantees full individual fulfillment in the society. It aims to encourage the process of emotional and relational release from the community, support the acquisition of responsibility, develop processes of autonomy. Following these guidelines, the actions implemented aim to empower the young person in the process of personal growth, offering him the opportunity to acquire the necessary tools to face relational and working contexts in full autonomy. The project is networked with the local social services and with the Juvenile Justice Offices, offering the territory a valid response to the fight against youth problems.




Housing autonomy: the specific objective of this measure is to be able to support at least a part of the children leaving the reception facilities or the guardianship of the approximately 2800 who are annually surveyed in Lazio as "outside the family of origin" and offer the possibility of being included in a path of personal autonomy that first of all includes housing autonomy. The difficulty of renting accommodation is a common experience for those who do not have a stable income but those who are also "out of family" have the additional complexity of not being able to offer necessary guarantees that are usually supported by parental figures. With this initiative we intend to make available to housing units and which can then use the resources as a contribution to the start-up or to guarantee a rental period;

Working autonomy: the specific objective of this measure is to guarantee the insertion of the care leaver in a network system by offering real support for the definition of one's own autonomy project which, as indicated by the guidelines for reception in residential services for minors, provides for the active participation of the neo-adult, of the sending body (even where the extent of administrative continuation is not defined by the Juvenile Court), of the residential service, in guaranteeing flexibility and collaboration for the '' identification of sustainable and appropriate solutions, and of all available economic subjects in the area;

Actions to support relational autonomy: this measure is intended to support the friendship network and social inclusion in territorial associative networks in which neo-adults leaving the residential service can experience relationships of sharing, emotional closeness, solidarity. The goal is to respond to the request of care leavers to be participants and protagonists of the choices that concern them and not just passive spectators, enhancing their direct experience, for continuous improvement actions that can involve children in a path of active citizenship. aimed at creating moments of aggregation and mutual comparison, which can generate reflections and suggestions on how hetero-family reception paths can be improved.


Teenagers between 17 and 20 years old, Italian and non, coming from a welcome experience in the Provvidenza family home. On the basis of agreements with the relevant Social Services, the reception of children from other structures is envisaged. We welcome a maximum number of 6 children.



the service, although separated both administratively and organizationally from the Provvidenza family home, is part of a single project and direction that intends to help the young person in the difficult moment of entering and taking on tasks in society. Entry into the semi-autonomy service is decided by the reception team and is bound to a parallel work experience inside and outside the Community. Internal life is regulated by schedules established by the community taking into account the work commitments of individuals. It is directed by one of the young people, nominated by the reception team to whom he will report directly. The stay is established by the reception team and can last for a maximum of two years. The young person who wants to live there will be required to scrupulously observe the general rules of life already established for the family home to which he will feel bound so as to be an example for the young people of the family home. He is bound to participate in a weekly community meeting with revision in times and methods to be established. Visits from strangers will have to and 

be agreed with the managers. The young people of the Service reside in rooms made available specifically, they undertake to keep them in a state of good conservation and efficiency, they autonomously provide for the management of the House itself. In the event of serious acts of non-compliance with both the spirit and the specific rules of our service, the reception team will decree the immediate removal of the young person.




The cornerstone of work in the structure is resilience as the possibility of positively reorganizing one's life, rebuilding oneself by showing oneself receptive to the opportunities that the path in the structure can favor.

The woman received in the structure is gradually accompanied in a process of awareness of the new condition and support to achieve her own emancipation. The educators present in the structure, after a first phase of mutual knowledge and observation, develop together with the woman, an individualized socio-educational project with the micro and macro objectives of the stay at the structure. The final and main goal for all guests is certainly reintegration into society by finding a job that gives economic self-sufficiency as well as identifying an autonomous housing arrangement.

The educators work in a network with the social services of residence, the Anti-violence Center, the Carabinieri and all the bodies involved in various capacities in supporting women and, if there are her, her children.

A psychologist who is always present at the time of the woman's entry collaborates with the structure and is therefore available to welcome and contain the suffering and the probable disorientation at the end of the procedure foreseen for the protection; in fact, women often arrive at the facility following hours spent at the police station for the report or in the emergency room for any necessary reports. The psychologist is also present during the path for emerging needs and accompanies the awareness of the importance of ongoing psychological support at the anti-violence center or public and affiliated facilities.

Welcoming a mother who is a victim of violence also means taking care of her children with particular care and concern. The children who are welcomed into the structure are often victims of witnessed violence and must rebuild their existence in a new and unknown environment, away from their father, family and friends. A new school, new adult presences, new references.

All the attention of the team is given in this first phase to allow minors to feel comfortable by listening and observing the details of their behavior to try to respond to unexpressed needs. The educators collaborate with the pediatrician to also deepen the aspect of health and well-being and take action if further information is needed. The connection with the school is also of a priority nature to allow for faster insertion. They also take care of their general well-being, trying to guarantee opportunities for recreation and the opportunity to spend time in a carefree and constructive manner, for example by organizing attendance at sporting activities or support from therapists / childcare professionals.

The team also collaborates and takes action to guarantee the right to visit by the estranged parent; if the decree of the juvenile court provides for it, the educators accompany or guarantee the protected space, an opportunity to meet with the father or with any other family members. This delicate moment is a right recognized to the father but it is also a right of the children who, in the presence of qualified personnel able to protect the minor, are supported in interacting with the parent.

The staff of the facility takes care of accompanying the minor to the meeting place, guaranteeing the necessary support in the previous and initial phase but also at the end of the meeting when, after the leave, conflicting feelings may emerge that are difficult to understand and contain.

The pedagogist who collaborates with the structure guarantees the team a space to rethink the often complex dynamics that are created in the structure with the children and between children and their mothers, as well as guaranteeing a space for sharing the most appropriate strategies to be implemented and experimented with. in order to increase the well-being of minors and their mothers. Often the team supports the parent without replacing it with interventions that could undermine the credibility of the mother but, alongside her and suggesting alternatives, showing her the possibility of discovering or rediscovering latent parenting resources.

The woman will be called to sign her PSEI (individualized socio-educational project) precisely because the objectives of the course will be thought of and shared by the host from the outset that she can only 

king protagonist of his path of emancipation. Each woman will work for her own identity and for her own life project supported by the educators for the enhancement of the individual aspects of frailty.

A common aspect of most of the women who are welcomed in the structure is the lack of economic independence and a housing solution; for this reason the educators help the woman in the difficult path of analysis and deepening of her own condition to the point of drawing up a curriculum vitae which is also and often an occasion for self-reflection. This is followed by accompaniment or simply the encouragement and encouragement to seek employment and any subsequent steps for the activation of employment contracts.


The activities carried out are summarized as follows:

Reception - listening hospitality (women with or without children) counseling groups awareness-training The non-separation between the reception areas, the home, and those of the paths, the center, substantiates and promotes the project and the political work of the centers themselves. The possibility of being part of a political project supports the work of the operators, not limited to hospitality and the dynamics of hospitality, but the bearer of new views on the reality of women. The methodology is mainly based on the relationship between women, for the enhancement of women's resources and the strengthening of their identity; on giving credit and building trust; on building authentic relationships that trigger change, offering positive relational models; on overcoming technical approaches. The house and center are structured with a 24-hour supervision. This organization makes it possible to give a strong response, especially in the early stages of reception, to the woman's need for support, also in the relationship with their children, and to the need to support the motivation for change, a motivation that, especially in the initial stages, can be very fragile. The presence of the operators is therefore constant: the garrison provides for 3 shifts, two during the day and one at night; this organization gives the operator the opportunity to support the woman in the various phases of the day, to be able to intervene and share reflections in situations or moments in which some dynamics linked to the previous violent experience are replicated, or when thoughts and emotions emerge, not confining therefore the exchange only at the moment of the interview. The possibility of retelling one's own story is a fundamental element for starting a path to escape from violence; with the operators, women retell their story in connection with the female operators, in a climate of suspension of judgment, the ability to accept ambivalences, the absence of "prescriptions" and / or containment of their own cultural prefigurations (such as . for the maternal).



The guests of the Casa Rifugio are required to observe the rules of conduct specified below:

the host woman is bound by the confidentiality of the Refuge House and of the other guests;
visits from relatives and / or friends are not allowed;
each woman is responsible for the custody and care of her children, who cannot be entrusted to others of her. In case of absence for work or other reasons, their care must be agreed with the staff of the team;
It is absolutely forbidden to reproduce and deliver, even temporarily to third parties, the key to the Refuge House, which is given to guests to allow them a certain autonomy of movement;
the evening outings and any external overnight stays must be agreed in advance with the operators; the return must take place by 00.00;
6. Prolonged absence must be communicated and agreed with the operators
7. the absence of more than 24 hours must be justified and agreed with the operators
8. life inside the Refuge House (personal and children's hygiene, care of the furnishings, cleaning of individual and common areas, shopping, preparing meals,) is self-managed by women, who if they take responsibility for it, for themselves and for their children
9.The cleaning of the common areas must be carried out in turn among the women guests, according to the calendar that will be The breakage and / or deterioration of objects and furnishings of the Refuge House must be promptly reported to the operators to allow their restoration. Compensation for the damage caused is borne by the host woman;
10. the women guests, despite the autonomy recognized to them, must refer to the operators of the team that manages the Refuge House for problems related to the management of the same and participate in periodic verification meetings;
11. every female guest is responsible for the care and custody of objects and / or money. The manager of the Refuge House has no responsibility in this regard; l) the guest woman, when she leaves the Refuge House, must return the keys and restore the house 

and conditions of the accommodation that he found on his arrival, providing for the cleaning and tidying of the premises; the personal effects remaining in the Refuge House, if not collected by the interested party within one month from the end of the stay, 6 are acquired in the assets of the Refuge House, if usable; otherwise they are sent to landfills according to waste disposal procedures) to ensure a peaceful coexistence for all women, the commitment of each to mutual respect and solidarity is necessary; episodes of intolerance, aggression or violence can constitute a reason for removal from the structure, as well as the evident non-use for the woman herself of staying in the Refuge House. Violation of the rules referred to in letters a), b), d) and g) above entails immediate removal from the Home, which will be promptly communicated to the network of services and bodies concerned and / or involved in the individual reception project.


The Refuge House welcomes women, victims of violence or seriously at risk of suffering it, with or without minor children, who need to be welcomed and protected, finding themselves in a situation of discomfort or danger such as to require removal from home
The Refuge House is managed by a team of workers, qualified in working with women victims of violence. The team is coordinated by the Head of the Refuge House, who must have a university degree, with a preference for one in psychology or in service. The team can also include volunteers specifically trained in the relationship with women victims of violence .
The maximum capacity of the Refuge House is 4 single women or 2 women with minors, up to a maximum of 3 Women victims of violence and their minor children welcomed in the Refuge House are insured the following benefits:
a) emergency / urgent reception;

b) assistance in case of scheduled / ordinary insertions;

c) temporary accommodation, including food and basic necessities, up to a maximum of 120 days, unless otherwise provided for and documented needs;

d) support and accompaniment in the coexistence between guests and in the management of life in the Refuge House (cleaning, shopping, preparing meals);

e) support and accompaniment in the management of one's own work or in its research;

f) support and accompaniment in the educational path of the child / s and in the relative schooling;

g) protection, protection and assistance, ensuring the necessary connections with the competent services (judiciary, courts, tutelary judges, schools, hospitals and local services of the ULSS, other);

h) accompaniment and possible income support, through the involvement of the local services and the Municipality of residence of the women and their children, in the phase of leaving the structure

4.The Casa Rifugio guarantees the availability of food and other basic necessities, in particular to manage emergency shelters

5. In the event that the woman welcomed in the Refuge House cannot directly purchase them, the provision of food and other basic necessities takes place through one of the following methods:

a) direct supply of basic foodstuffs, clothing, including used ones, and personal hygiene products;

b) provision of sums of money intended for the purchase of food, clothing, personal hygiene products and other basic necessities directly to the beneficiaries welcomed in the Casa Rifugio;

c) provision of prepaid food vouchers;

d) pocket money for personal expenses, in particular commensurate with the needs of any children welcomed with the mother, in addition to services

6. The Municipality provides for the extraordinary cleaning of the Refuge House, and, specifically, for the cleaning of the premises to be carried out every time a woman leaves the structure permanently and in any case at least once a year. The Municipality also provides for washing the linen every time a woman leaves the Refuge House for good

7. Ordinary cleaning is the responsibility of the guests of the Casa Rifugio, who must provide for the daily cleaning of the premises and the washing of linen.

8. The Head of the Refuge House and the team accompany the woman in managing relations with the family and / or the network. Written and telephone communications and direct interviews are allowed, unless otherwise advised by the sending services, as long as they do not hinder the daily performance of the activities, identifying suitable time slots for direct interviews and a protected space other than that of the Casa Rifugio.




The phenomenon of serious marginalization In Italy there are numerous expressions to denote homeless people and the condition of homelessness: homeless, homeless, homeless, tramp, serious ema

adulthood, extreme poverty, material deprivation, vulnerability, social exclusion, etc. These are not synonyms or real definitions but expressions that each capture different aspects of a complex, dynamic and multifaceted social phenomenon that is not limited to the sphere of primary needs alone but which involves the entire sphere of needs and expectations. of the person, especially under the relational, emotional and affective profile. The most common Italian definition to make the Anglo-Saxon term homeless or the more recent French sans chez-soi is the term homeless person. Here the term dwelling is intended as a stable, personal, reserved and intimate place, in which the person can freely express his or her physical and existential self in conditions of dignity and safety. It differs from the definition of Homeless Person, a term commonly used to define the same phenomenon, as the term "homeless" has a specific bureaucratic-administrative connotation and is used to connote the condition of a person who, not being able to declare a habitual domicile, has no registry registration or has only a fictitious one. The case, by law (Law 1 228/1954), is mainly applied to categories such as nomads, wanderers, itinerant traders and carousels, who share the lack of a permanent residence and domicile with homeless people, but who they do not necessarily experience the condition of deprivation that characterizes homeless people. What characterizes homeless people is a situation of housing deprivation, more or less serious according to the ETHOS classification, which is a determining part of a wider situation of extreme poverty. From the point of view of policies and social intervention, what characterizes this situation is the presence of an indelible and urgent need, that is, such as to compromise, if not satisfied, the survival of the person according to minimum standards of dignity.

The systems of social intervention against homelessness are constituted by stable devices of services, oriented by a rock-strategic app, for the achievement of a specific goal. In this context, services are understood to mean specific organizational units capable of providing well-defined types of services at a specific location, continuously or repeatedly over time, socially recognized and usable. The individual services that can make up a local intervention device against severe marginalization are many and can have different functional conjugations. In the context of these guidelines, it appears useful to adopt the definitions of the aforementioned Istat survey, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Caritas and f io.PSD, which on the basis of a national and international survey of the existing has registered and codified 32, distinguished by functional orientation. They can be defined as follows: Support services in response to primary needs:

1. food distribution structures that distribute food support free of charge in the form of a package of food and not in the form of a meal to be consumed on the spot

2. clothing distribution - structures that distribute clothing and footwear free of charge

3. drug distribution - structures that distribute drugs free of charge (with or without a prescription)

4. showers and personal hygiene - facilities that allow free use of personal care and hygiene services

5. canteens - facilities that distribute free meals to be consumed in the place of delivery where access is normally subject to constraints

6. street units - mobile units that carry out research and contact activities with people who need help where they live (usually on the street)

7. one-off economic contributions: it is a form of monetary support of a sporadic nature and functional to specific occasions; 21 Night reception services

8. emergency dormitories - night reception facilities usually set up at certain times of the year, almost always due to weather conditions

9. dormitories - facilities managed continuously throughout the year which only provide for the reception of guests during the night

10. semi-residential communities - structures where night-time hospitality and daytime activities alternate seamlessly

11. residential communities-structures in which the possibility of staying continuously at the premises is guaranteed, even during hours

daytime and where social and educational support is also guaranteed

12. protected accommodation - structures in which external access is limited. Often there is the presence of social workers, either continuously or occasionally;

13. self-managed accommodation-reception structures in which people have ample autonomy in the management of the living space (third reception)

the approaches 

so-called housing led and housing first; these start from the concept of "home" as a right and as a starting point from which the homeless person must start again to start a path of social inclusion. Housing first identifies all those services based on two fundamental principles: rapid re-housing (the home first of all as a basic human right) and case management (taking charge of the person and accompanying social services - health care towards a path of social integration and well-being). According to housing first, only access to a stable, safe and comfortable home can generate widespread and intrinsic well-being in people who have experienced severe discomfort for a long time (long term homelessness). For homeless people, the house is the access point, the first step, the primary intervention from which to start in proposing for social integration courses. The well-being derived from an improved state of health, the psychological, welfare and health assistance guaranteed by the team to the user directly at home can, as studies have shown, be vectors of housing stability. Housing led refers to services, always aimed at housing integration, but of lower intensity, duration and intended for non-chronic people. The aim is to ensure that the right to housing is respected and quick access to a home. For these people, even more so than in housing first programs, it is necessary to work on increasing income through training / reintegration into the world of work and on finding formal and informal resources in the area. The goal is to make the person able to relocate to the world of work in the short term and to find accommodation independently


Only in recent years has there been a certain interest in cohousing in Italy. Gradually, cities become important open-air laboratories for experimenting with new residential methods: phenomena such as the transformation of families, the aging of the population, job insecurity, the difficulty in finding housing suitable for the needs of a more mobile life, 'weakening of social networks push individuals to cohabit (Boeri 2011). Cohousing is made up of a group of residents who organize themselves into communities with the aim of developing inclusive and sustainable environments for the purpose of a better quality of life (Institute for Creative Sustainability 2012). Usually, the buildings are inclusive of various housing units, with families who decide to give life, through a process of participatory planning, to settlements in which private and common spaces coexist. If it is true that in cohousing spaces and moments of daily life are shared, individuals live in private apartments: co-habitation is not imposed but, on the contrary, freely chosen.

It is precisely in a period of profound economic crisis such as the one experienced today that the interest in alternative forms of living is being rediscovered thanks to which it is possible to share resources, activities, lifestyles and in which (re) find adequate opportunities for social protection . Furthermore, cohousing seems to represent an innovative tool of self-government with respect to the decline of the public space of European cities: in recent years the presence of citizens, associations, sometimes local authorities has increased, which intend to experiment not only projects of this type but also of self-construction, social housing

All guests are involved, supported by professional figures who are not cohabiting but present on a regular basis, in the conduct and management of daily life. At the same time, a personalized planning is activated for each one. With the aim, first of all by finding a job, to gradually and within a maximum of two years come out of temporary hospitality and therefore to full autonomy.

The initiative is part of the commitment to alternative forms of residential care, in which the homeless person, in conditions of extreme vulnerability and fragility, is an active subject. Forms that therefore favor the achievement and maintenance of autonomy. The reference model is the innovative one of housing first, or "home first", to combat serious social marginality, based on the inclusion of homeless people in individual independent apartments, in order to promote a state of dignified well-being and forms of social reintegration.

they help to combat and reduce loneliness, especially for people in poverty
they promote relationships based on respect and conscious communication, good neighborly relations, sharing, mutual help and social responsibility

they favor relationships between peers and intergenerationals, the reconciliation of work with family responsibilities , social inclusion and community protection of the weakest subjects (children, the elderly, people with disabilities)

favor the resumption of housing autonomy for women victims of violence who, following resignation from shelters, are not always able to return to their homes
improve environmental and economic sustainability, through the generation of economies of scale, the reduction of waste, energy saving, the recovery and reuse of public and private goods, the self-production of goods and services
they promote self-organization, mutual collaboration, active citizenship and participation in civic life
promote the adoption of measures to improve habitability, health, safety and accessibility of the city, also by reducing architectural and cultural barriers
they promote the ethics of common goods and generate widespread personal and collective well-being.

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