Activities - U.E.P.E


Offices of External Criminal Enforcement (UEPE) have become territorial articulations of the Department for Juvenile and Community Justice in accordance with the D.p.c.m. 84/2015 and the decree of November 17, 2015 that implements it, in particular articles 9 and 10, identifies the district offices and interdistrict offices of external criminal enforcement.

The main field of intervention of the Uepe is the execution of non-custodial criminal sanctions and alternative measures to detention, to this end, they elaborate and propose to the judiciary the treatment program to be applied and verify the correct execution by the admitted. There are four main areas of intervention as indicated by article 72 of Law 354 of July 26, 1975 and other laws on penal execution:

activities of aid and control of persons subjected to probation and probation to social service
support activities for home detainees and in the execution of public utility work and sanctions in lieu of imprisonment
investigation of the individual and socio-family situation of those who apply for admission to alternative measures to detention and probation. At the request of the surveillance magistracy, they take care of the investigations for the application, modification, extension or revocation of security measures
advisory activities to the penitentiary institutions in order to promote the success of prison treatment.



Entrustment to the social service
What it consists of

It can be defined as the type of criminal sanction that allows the convicted person to serve the imposed prison sentence, or at least the remaining one, under a regime of assisted and controlled freedom.
The application of foster care, on the one hand, eliminates any relationship of the offender with the prison institution and, on the other hand, entails the establishment of a cooperative relationship with the external penal enforcement office.
To this end, an individual treatment plan is drawn up, which outlines the activities to be carried out by the offender, the obligations and commitments to which he or she must adhere and the controls to which he or she will be subjected.
The positive outcome of the probationary period, the duration of which coincides with that of the sentence to be served, extinguishes the sentence and any other penal effect.



MAP - Probationary period
What it consists of

With the suspension of proceedings, the defendant is entrusted to the office of external criminal execution (UEPE) for the development of a treatment program that includes as mandatory activities

the execution of work of public utility, consisting of a free service in favor of the community;
the implementation of reparative conduct, aimed at eliminating the harmful or dangerous consequences resulting from the crime;
compensation for the damage caused and, where possible, mediation with the victim of the crime.
The program may provide for the observance of a series of obligations relating to the dwelling place, freedom of movement and the prohibition to frequent certain premises, in addition to those essential to the reintegration of the defendant and relating to relations with the external penal enforcement office and with any specialized health facilities.



LPU - Work of public utility
The work of public utility (LPU) is considered an alternative criminal sanction even if its heterogeneous fields of application do not allow a precise systematic collocation.

LPU consists in the performance of an unpaid activity in favour of the community to be carried out with the State, the regions, the provinces, the municipalities or with social assistance or voluntary bodies and organizations.



Foster care
What it consists of

It can be defined as the type of criminal sanction that allows the convicted person to serve the imposed prison sentence, or at least the remaining one, under a regime of assisted and controlled freedom.
The application of foster care, on the one hand, eliminates any relationship of the offender with the prison institution and, on the other hand, entails the establishment of a cooperative relationship with the external penal enforcement office.
To this end, an individual treatment plan is drawn up, which outlines the activities to be carried out by the offender, the obligations and commitments to which he or she must adhere and the controls to which he or she will be subjected.
The positive outcome of the probationary period, the duration of which coincides with that of the sentence to be served, extinguishes the sentence and any other penal effect.



MAP - Probationary period
What it consists of

With the suspension of proceedings, the defendant is entrusted to the office of external criminal execution (UEPE) for the development of a treatment program that includes as mandatory activities

the execution of work of public utility, consisting of a free service in favor of the community;
the implementation of reparative conduct, aimed at eliminating the harmful or dangerous consequences resulting from the crime;
compensation for the damage caused and, where possible, mediation with the victim of the crime.
The program may provide for the observance of a series of obligations relating to the dwelling place, freedom of movement and the prohibition to frequent certain premises, in addition to those essential to the reintegration of the defendant and relating to relations with the external penal enforcement office and with any specialized health facilities.



LPU - Work of public utility
The work of public utility (LPU) is considered an alternative criminal sanction even if its heterogeneous fields of application do not allow a precise systematic collocation.

LPU consists in the performance of an unpaid activity in favour of the community to be carried out with the State, the regions, the provinces, the municipalities or with social assistance or voluntary bodies and organizations.

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